Egidio Trainito and Volker Walter Feierabend
Honorary degree ceremony
A collection of marine species and an ocean of paintings. Egidio Trainito, with over 4,000 dives under his belt, is an expert in marine biology. His work has enabled the description of new species and the mapping of the ecosystems of several marine protected areas. Volker Walter Feierabend fell in love with Italy and Italian art in the 1970s and over the years he has created an extraordinary collection of over 2,000 artworks by around 350 artists, which has made him a leading figure in the world of 20th-century Italian art. The award ceremony and honorary graduates’ lectures will be held on Wednesday 12 April at 3pm in the Aula Magna at Palazzo del Bo.
Nature agency
International conference 
Children’s literature will be the focus of a series of events and workshops aiming to foster critical thinking based on reading and the analysis of books. On Thursday 13 and Friday 14 April in three venues: Sala delle Edicole, Botanical Garden and Beato Pellegrino Library. As part of the same initiative, from 12 to 27 April the Beato Pellegrino Library will host a bibliographical exhibition, with a special event – a meeting with author Roger Olmos – taking place on Friday 14 April at 5:30pm.
Memory and freedom
History and stories of the Resistance at the University of Padua
Remembering the active role the University of Padua has played in defense of freedom, this event will tell the stories of students and faculty members who fought in the Resistance against Nazi-Fascism. The programme includes a reading from the book I piccoli maestri by Luigi Meneghello and talks by three historians. At the end of the event the Istituto del Nastro Azzurro will present its heraldic insignia to the University of Padua, the only higher education institution in Italy to be awarded a Gold Medal for Military Valour. On Thursday 20 April at 4:30pm in the Archivio Antico at Palazzo del Bo.

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Artist Koz Dos celebrates the Unipd medical school

A new artwork on the electricity distribution tower on Via Annibale da Bassano has been unveiled as part of the Arcellatown project.

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Manuel Arca Sedda wins the MERAC 2023 award 
Dr Arca Sedda, a Marie Curie Fellow at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, has won an international award for early-career European astronomers.

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Start Cup Veneto 2023 

The latest edition of this competition for innovative entrepreneurial ideas has started. The deadline for applications is 15 May.

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Coming up
Waymarks: The state and us
A reformed public sector is the title of the second event in the series Segnavie – Lo Stato e noi (Waymarks: The State and us), developed by Fondazione Cariparo. The event will feature former minister Renato Brunetta. On Thursday 13 April at 5:30pm in the Aula Magna at Palazzo del Bo.

Gruppo N in libraries and archives
The project La Biblioteca Liviano per (The Liviano library on…) continues with a new event in which the story of artist collective Gruppo N will be told from a new perspective. Artist Alberto Biasi will be in attendance. On Thursday 13 April at 5:30pm in Aula N at Palazzo Liviano.

Eternal returns
The Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto Foundation presents the third edition of Veneto contemporanea, a festival focusing on contemporary Italian composers. From 15 April to 20 May, the festival will feature four evenings of music and discussion in the Sala dei Giganti at Palazzo Liviano, with a special event at the Botanical Garden.

The Hexahedron of Research
Holidays at Hogwarts, Venus in Titian’s paintings and archaeological excavations in Iraq. What do these things have in common? They are just a few aspects of the Hexahedron of Research, the project in which the Department of Cultural Heritage will tell the public about its work. The opening event of a fascinating and many-sided series will be held on Tuesday 18 April at the Sala della Gran Guardia.


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