This Month: Events and Job Opportunities Highights

Università degli studi di PadovaCareer Service

The Newletter of January

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Looking for a Stage or job in Italy or abroad? Check the news in your reserved area


The Career Service desk in Via Martiri della Libertà, 2 is open by appointment only; For info and contacts:


For orientation in the world of work, the Career Service staff is available to students and graduates for individual OnLine consultations

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One-to-one Online counselling

One to One online counselling to be prepared for the world of employment

  • Occupational Fields
  • Professional Objectives
  • Job Search
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Motivational Letter
  • Selection Interview

Upcoming Seminars and Workshops

The Career service periodically organises seminars and workshops for the transition from university to the world of work and the professions. Booking for each event via the dedicated link is compulsory.

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Would you like to read the full programme for the month and/or catch up on our past seminars?



LAPET| The new tax reform: simplifications, assessment and the taxpayer's statute

"The new tax reform: simplifications, ascertainment and the taxpayer's statute" is the title of the meeting organised by the National Association of Lapet Tributarists, scheduled for the afternoon of 31 January 2024 at Palazzo del Bo in Padua.

The event, under the patronage of the University of Padua, is an occasion to award the LAPET Association's degree prizes: a prize is reserved for the best theses that have dealt with topics related to finance science and company law or that have dealt with topics related to the economy and tax law of the European Union.

Free Event

31rd of January

BCG | Summer Internship Program – Beyond Summer@BCG

BCG Milan will organise an internship programme in June and July 2024 that is open to Bachelor graduates not yet enrolled in Master's degrees.

by  January 23rd

 ~ WEBUILD| Alberto Giovannini Award Applications open 2023-2024 

Opportunities aimed at graduates and undergraduates in the 2022-2023 academic year from the Faculties of Engineering, Economics and Informatics of Italian universities, rewarding the best theses on infrastructure innovation and digitalisation. The winners will receive a job offer of a 12-month fixed-term contract in one of the Corporate offices or in the main Italian construction sites.

by  February 15th


McKinsey & Company in the Southern European region is coming together to celebrate International Women's Day at the IWD 2024 - Women Leading the Way. It will take place on the evening of 7 March in Athens, Lisbon, Madrid, Milan and Paris simultaneously. You must also be: a Bachelors, Masters, or PhD student graduation no later than 2026 OR a professional with up to six years of work experience.

by February 20th

Via Martiri della Libertà 2
35137 Padova